PubMed has been updated so that currently there are two ways to search the database. Our DeSales University link now connects to a screen that defaults to the old PubMed (legacy PubMed).which is scheduled to be phased out later this calendar year. Below the search bar you will see a notice inviting viewers to try the "New PubMed" which will gradually be phased in over this (2020) calendar year. Both options are currently active for searching. The best way to search legacy PubMed is to use Medical Suibject Headings (MeSH). The new PubMed was created to better map from your subject terms to MeSH headings so that searchers will not have to use MeSH to search it effectively.
There are some great tutorials, videos, handouts and other instructional materials available on the legacy PubMed home page, including at least one on the basics of searching legacy PubMed and another on searching the New PubMed.
If you have any additional questions, please post a question in the Question box on the right side of this page, contact a librarian via chat, or click the Ask A Librarian button at the bottom of the Trexler Library home page.
I hope this information was useful!.